intermediate goods

英 [ˌɪntəˈmiːdiət ɡʊdz] 美 [ˌɪntərˈmiːdiət ɡʊdz]




  1. International division of value chain is characterized by: factors cooperation, trade of intermediate goods increased and the rapid development of outsourcing.
  2. However, all intermediate goods used up in producing course of this production.
  3. They create valuable trade surpluses for neighbouring countries by importing intermediate goods, and create jobs in developed countries by buying capital goods and services.
  4. The first is comprised of the direct costs of purchasing intermediate goods on the market.
  5. Goods can be defined as finished products, as intermediate goods used in producing other goods, or as agricultural products and foodstuffs.
  6. International Competitiveness Trade of China 'Intermediate Goods& Based on Intra-Industry Trade
  7. Japan is the second largest exporter of intermediate goods in East Asia after China and it is still the first for the export of precision machineries components.
  8. Diversification Fund for Africa Diversity of intermediate goods, specialization and the boundary of industrial agglomeration
  9. Financial Development, Market Thickness of Intermediate Goods and FDI Inflow: China's Evidence
  10. Exploring China's Trade in Intermediate Goods Products
  11. Then we discuss deeply connotation, dimensions such as economies of complementarity, economies of specialization, transaction scope and so on, which provides the basis of our arguing the relationship between intermediate goods and contractual arrangements.
  12. In recent years, the trade in intermediate goods has been enlarging quickly and becomes an important part of China's import and export business.
  13. Chapter four analysed the origin cause of formation of f industrial structure and reason of conversion mainly of ZhongYuan Urban Agglomeration, think expansion of intermediate goods of demand and fixed assets structure and technological change of structure reasons that the industrial structure changes.
  14. Formation Mechanism of Strategic Alliance Based on Intermediate Goods
  15. Subsidiary corporation B is a downstream firm that produces final goods using intermediate goods and capital as input.
  16. The intermediate goods and capital goods that come from the export creating of FDI have pulled the export to a new level.
  17. When final products are complementary, transfer price should be less than marginal cost of intermediate goods.
  18. Exploring China's Trade in Intermediate Goods On the Public Interests in China's Anti-dumping Cases against Intermediate Goods
  19. Besides, transport and communication costs fell, intermediate goods market become more convenient, all make the transaction costs decline, but also promote the growth of outsourcing.
  20. At the same time, the structure of Chinese export and import goods is changing continuously, manufacturing products, intermediate goods and middle, high technological goods have dominated Chinese trade.
  21. At the same time, the global production and trade patterns have undergone important changes, the proportion of intermediate goods trade is becoming an important part of international trade.
  22. It works out import price terms of trade which is composed by four kinds of intermediate goods, and compare it with other import price index, finds that after 2002, the price terms of trade deteriorates, but it is not the result of intra-product trade.
  23. The influence of export of intermediate goods are both positive.
  24. China owes the comparative advantage in the mechanism using labor quality to match the quality of imported intermediate goods over India, Brazil and Russia, but the labor quality is lower than Brazil and Russia.
  25. Via intra-product specialization and intermediate goods trade, developed countries and developing countries specializing in the specific process and parts and components in the chain of production and trade, affect their industries structure, employment structure and income distribution.
  26. It may come from gusty supply shocks, or be triggered by the demand impact of itself or intermediate goods.
  27. So, why the international investment and intermediate goods trade will exhibit the above characteristics? We know that, contemporary international vertical specialization ( or division of labor within the product) is dominated by multinational corporations.
  28. The exchange rate volatility is not totally transferred to the import price, because imported intermediate goods form only part of final goods, and the effects of exchange rate fluctuation on the export price, the wholesale price and retail price is gradually decreasing.
  29. With economic globalization and international production systems evolving constantly, trade in intermediate goods based on intra-product specialization have developed rapidly and become the principal means of international trade.